
Customer acquisition and engagement

Reckitt is one of Havas' longest-standing global clients. Through a unique approach combining media and creative we deliver highly effective precision marketing through dynamic creative optimisation.


Reckitt has been a global client for 20+ years across the Havas network. Today, Havas supports Reckitt across multiple global brands including Finish, Vanish and Durex, delivering integrated campaigns and adaptations across more than 30 markets.

As a global producer of health, hygiene and home products, Havas CX's challenge was to reinvent the way we connect with consumers online to create better consumer engagement.

Business impact

By combining media and creative expertise through DCO, we set ourselves an ambitious target of 35% VTR as our KPI for YouTube Trueview.

Assets performed as high as 66% VTR on Vanish, 58% on Air Wick and 60% on Finish.

The initiative delivered an impressive reduction in media costs, with CPM reduced by 35%.

Optimisation cycles, where the creative agency reviewed the raw data daily with our media experts, enabled us to improve VTR by 75%.

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